The Angry GOP PartyI’ve been doing my best to watch as many Republican debates as I can, and like many have been astounded more so by the crowds attending them than what’s happening on the stage. Sadly, it looks as though all the fear and uncertainty, pain and confusion that the world and economy have thrown at us is manifesting itself into an extreme wing – I honestly, do not want to call them Republicans, because I don’t even know what they are in regards to “party” – and extreme wing who is BEGGING for a place to release that angst as anger. That that which IS the Republican party has decided that it’s appropriate to milk that for all it’s worth is pathetic, irresponsible, and yet another manifestation of the desire to win over the desire to serve being the catalyst of this cycle of anger.

It is extremely sad. I don’t like this term, but “these people” (whoever might fit into the group that is attending these debates, cheering death, booing compassion and members of our military) – damn they are angry? It really is an amazing thing to watch and somewhat frightening.

For the better part of a decade I’ve held the general believe that “parties” are irresponsible entities. They’re very existence is to facilitate winning, gathering, increasing power, and building the perfect ber bong. Bad. Washington ought not be a frat house, and in my opinion it’s behaving worse than most.

I think the frat boys in Washington find it entertaining – as a pack of 19 year-olds will gather on the front lawn of cappa something something to provoke a brother into a fight and watch in laughter. They still think that this anger is productive because their party is about one thing: winning. Did Charlie teach you nothing in that regard?

I for one beg the angry Republican herd to stop running blindly towards the “anything-but-Obama” light. Just for a moment. Stop the stampede. You don’t like him. I get it. You’re allowed. But the process and the money and the pretty box with pretty people on it are being a wee bit irresponsible in allowing you to speed up too much when heading into the turns. Take a breath and a drink of water. Read. Listen to some music. Chill the *f* out for a bit. It’s good for you and it’s good for me. It’s good for us. Then – when the yelling has stopped, when you know you’re not, literally, yelling in anger, then we can re-address what’s happening in the country.

Ask if you were the person dying, would you maybe want a little help? Ask what religion teaches you about compassion and forgiveness. Let’s talk about one side complaining that jobs are being shipped overseas, while simultaneously believing that those same companies will just stop doing that with even fewer taxes – which has never in the history of history ever happened. Ever. Think about the cost of imports and exports and why having those jobs overseas is cheaper for the companies to manufacture where their products are sold (with wicked cheap labor – less per hour than I’m fairly certain you or I would accept willingly). It’s not about taxes. It’s not just about social issues. It’s not about sanctity of life hypocrisy. The world has gone and grown up – it’s complicated! It’s really damn difficult to understand. So you know what: chill out! Not getting sucked into the angry herd is about the only thing that will keep you sane; b/c it’s nothing more than yelling at the moon.

Parties: it’s time to be responsible.

People: it’s time to think for ourselves.

America seriously needs a time out.