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Digital Marketing: Setting Up Your Digital Marketing Plan

2017-01-25T08:43:57-08:00Categories: Marketing Ideas, Online Marketing|Tags: |

By definition, digital marketing extends beyond online marketing, but as "the mobile lifestyle" continues to overtake the general social consciousness and daily behavior, the broadly defined marketing channels are all essentially merging into online and offline [...]

Using Marketing Technology To Keep Your Plan On Point

2017-01-25T08:44:00-08:00Categories: Marketing System|Tags: , , |

One of the key indicators of an unstable (but granted, not always unsuccessful) business is a sine wave of marketing and sales efforts. And why not? In many cases it perfectly acceptable to be season with [...]

Education Marketing


poliARC was founded by Paul W. Hughes who was a campus Director and National Marketing Manager for SAE Institute of Technology in the US and UK. poliARC now manages online systems and marketing campaigns for schools [...]

Marketing Management, Consulting


Creating online media, systems and strategies for education, non-profit and politics poliARC specializes in the production side of online marketing and operations management: developing and managing web-based media, systems and strategies. poliARC [...]

How Do You Measure the Success of Marketing?

2017-01-25T08:43:55-08:00Categories: Marketing System, Online Marketing|Tags: |

When working how to measure the success of a marketing campaign, far too many businesses forget two key metrics: bad leads vs. qualified leads, and more importantly: did the campaign directly generate revenue? If you've read other [...]

Why Conversions Matter In Online Marketing, Search and Social

2017-01-25T08:43:56-08:00Categories: Marketing System, Online Marketing, Search Marketing|Tags: , , |

Search Engine Marketing and Social Media Conversions: Visits to lead to customers. Maybe I'm just stubborn (which would be true), but I cannot wrap my mind around any marketing plan that does not take conversions into [...]

Career School Marketing: Targeting and Nurturing Leads

2017-01-25T08:43:56-08:00Categories: Marketing Ideas, Marketing System|Tags: , |

Marketing schools: find new leads and nurture them with a good sales strategy. I couldn't resist this photo. Just too funny, but sadly sometimes typical of vocational training images. My nature is to be [...]

Creating a Marketing Budget: Fixed, Variable, and Discretionary

2017-01-25T08:43:57-08:00Categories: Marketing System|Tags: |

If you're starting a new business, or simply want to get serious about how you run your current small business, then creating a smart marketing budget is a vital step. These pointers can help you identify costs, and [...]

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