Marketing System

Why Use a Marketing Consultant with Experience in Education?

2015-07-09T16:12:05-07:00Categories: Marketing System, Studies & Other Articles|Tags: , |

Education Marketing comes down to one thing: finding  high quality leads, and education is an extremely competitive market, which mandates not only smart targeting, but extending the marketing structure and system so that you can close [...]

Focus: Marketing Support and Management Systems

2017-01-25T08:43:55-08:00Categories: Marketing System, Online Marketing|Tags: , , |

Marketing systems will make or break your long-term success. Take systems seriously. Anyone who knows me well wouldn't hesitate to admit that I tend to get irked very easily. Wasted marketing effort and wasted marketing money [...]

How Do You Measure the Success of Marketing?

2017-01-25T08:43:55-08:00Categories: Marketing System, Online Marketing|Tags: |

When working how to measure the success of a marketing campaign, far too many businesses forget two key metrics: bad leads vs. qualified leads, and more importantly: did the campaign directly generate revenue? If you've read other [...]

Why Conversions Matter In Online Marketing, Search and Social

2017-01-25T08:43:56-08:00Categories: Marketing System, Online Marketing, Search Marketing|Tags: , , |

Search Engine Marketing and Social Media Conversions: Visits to lead to customers. Maybe I'm just stubborn (which would be true), but I cannot wrap my mind around any marketing plan that does not take conversions into [...]

Career School Marketing: Targeting and Nurturing Leads

2017-01-25T08:43:56-08:00Categories: Marketing Ideas, Marketing System|Tags: , |

Marketing schools: find new leads and nurture them with a good sales strategy. I couldn't resist this photo. Just too funny, but sadly sometimes typical of vocational training images. My nature is to be [...]

Creating a Marketing Budget: Fixed, Variable, and Discretionary

2017-01-25T08:43:57-08:00Categories: Marketing System|Tags: |

If you're starting a new business, or simply want to get serious about how you run your current small business, then creating a smart marketing budget is a vital step. These pointers can help you identify costs, and [...]

Creating A Marketing Budget: Conversion and the Competition

2017-01-25T08:43:58-08:00Categories: Marketing Ideas, Marketing System|Tags: , , , |

Expanding slightly on a previous article on creating marketing budgets based on revenue or conversions, there are a couple more perspectives we can address to help tie up the budget creation topic. It's no secret that [...]

Hardware as a Means to Content: Why Amazon has it Right

2017-01-25T08:43:58-08:00Categories: Marketing Ideas, Marketing System|Tags: |

I might even goes as far as believing that Amazon's new Kindle Fire is nothing more than a rather useful marketing brochure. Amazon has turned hardware into a means to not only deliver its core products [...]

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