marketing message

Crafting Your Marketing Message: Two Tiers

2017-01-25T08:43:55-08:00Categories: Consumer Psych, Marketing Ideas, Online Marketing|Tags: |

We can learn a lot about marketing messages from books and from politics – especially book titles about politics. Most marketing messages for selling books about politics have taken the same path lately: a short, 2 [...]

Making Marketing Message About The Consumer Not The Product.

2017-01-25T08:43:58-08:00Categories: Consumer Psych, Marketing Ideas, Motivations|Tags: , , |

The 2008 presidential election finally drove this marketing concept home: "...this was never about me, it's about YOU" (insert massive crowd cheering here). As Generation ME started determining what and how we shape (and send) marketing [...]

Marketing Message Saturated? Try Co-Branding and Sponsorships

2017-01-25T08:43:59-08:00Categories: Marketing Ideas|Tags: , , |

We encounter message saturation a lot with newsletter lists and social networking: there's only so many times you can contact them before eyes start to gloss over and they don't read what you're saying anymore. So [...]

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