marketing your brand

Does Marketing Buzz Outweigh Marketing Message & Brand

2017-01-25T08:43:57-08:00Categories: Consumer Psych, Marketing Ideas|Tags: , , |

I blame facebook (and possibly Teletubbies, but I'm not sure why the latter just yet) for the direction in which the buzz vs message balance is shifting. Why blame? Primarily due to the manner in which [...]

Want Your Marketing to Connect? Be Tangible.

2017-01-25T08:43:59-08:00Categories: Marketing Ideas, Politics|Tags: , , |

True whether you're marketing a product, service or person – if the bulk of your marketing efforts lack a tangible benefit, then you might get some brand recognition, but its effectiveness will rarely take off; especially [...]

Marketing Message Saturated? Try Co-Branding and Sponsorships

2017-01-25T08:43:59-08:00Categories: Marketing Ideas|Tags: , , |

We encounter message saturation a lot with newsletter lists and social networking: there's only so many times you can contact them before eyes start to gloss over and they don't read what you're saying anymore. So [...]

Online Marketing: Is Your Brand Integrated?

2017-01-25T08:44:01-08:00Categories: Marketing System, Online Marketing|Tags: , |

There are so many places, niches, dark and bright corners of the Internet that to say that it's easy to get lost when marketing yourself is a gross understatement. As thousands upon thousands of new web [...]

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